Every year at PCO, upcoming seniors are encouraged to kick off their first day by watching the sunrise at the school football field. The last year of high school is considered a highly important milestone and accomplishment for many; the Senior Sunrise represents the beginning of that journey, and so much more.
An eventful morning took place for many who attended the sunup. Whether it was spent with friends, or a warm plate of breakfast, many seniors found themselves occupied.
“In the morning I picked up McKinley, my friend, and we went to the Senior Sunrise. Then, I met up with my other friends and we all caught up. We got in a big circle and took videos and watched the sunrise. After that, my group left and we went to Sunny Side to get some breakfast,” senior Kylan Howard said.
Those that attended the Senior Sunrise were not just surrounded by their friends, but a vast majority of their senior class, and many more familiar faces. A most recognizable face, the senior class principal, made his regular appearance at the gathering.
“Senior Sunrise is the first goodbye. It’s sentimental because it’s the last time we start a school year, getting to see everybody, getting some hugs, high-fives. I like how you guys like to take pictures, and have memories of that last, first day,” Senior Class principal Mr. Twichell said.
Senior Sunrise may seem as just a sweet get together, but it is so much more. It allows students to make an experience with their friends and class, while also being able to capture the moment.
“Honestly, being able to just hang out with your friends and take pictures of the sunrise was enough. Everyone loves the sunrise. They were all taking pictures. It’s great lighting,” senior Avery Whitford said.
Furthermore, Senior Sunrise puts students in the position of realizing and recognizing that they are beginning their final year of high school. These thoughts can motivate seniors to do their best and take it all in.
“I felt a little sad. Just because I don’t get to try again. You know, everybody else does, but now, since this is my last chance, I feel like I get to make the most of it and just live and breathe within every moment,” senior Mae Martinez said.