This November in the year of 2024, is the time annually where new or previous presidential candidates go against each other to be voted in as the next president of the United States for the next four years.
Many teachers and few students at Putnam City High School have participated in electing the next president for the nation. The election had created many mixed opinions amongst the voters, including the teachers.
”I personally did not like either candidate, I did not like how divisive and hateful one candidate was and I did not like how the other candidate was able to bypass any sort of election process to be nominated,” Mrs. Warfe said.
When the candidates have conventions or they make speeches to convince people to vote for them, they may talk about their policies. Policies are essentially what the candidate plans to do when or if they are elected.
“Policies do affect that way people view presidential candidates, but I don’t think the public understands the policies enough. I think we make it more personal than we should, so I think we should focus more on policies. We don’t focus enough on it,” Mr. Perry said.
Everyone has their own beliefs and policies that they believe are right. This may also correlate with what they would want the nation’s president to be like.
“I would prefer someone who has served in the military, I would also like someone who is younger than both of the candidates this time, preferably in their 50s if not younger than that,” Dr. Clark said.
One topic that has been frequently discussed during recent elections is the voting process. This process is said to have some favorable and unfavorable opinions on the matter regarding if the votes were counted correctly.
“It’s relatively fair, relatively equal. The electoral system has some issues that could be worked out, I feel that some smaller states have some disproportionate power, but other than that it’s okay,” Mr. Foster said.